Discalced Carmelites of the Assumption

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We are Discalced Carmelite Nuns, a contemplative monastery of consecrated women in love with God and called by Him to joyfully live a vowed life together, in creative fidelity to the Teresian charism in the 21st century, in the Diocese of Greensburg, Pennsylvania. St. Teresa of Jesus, our foundress, envisioned that we be hermits living in community, and we live this out through a balance of prayer, work and recreation together. Our daily self-giving springs from a life centered in God, which is rooted in silence, solitude, penance and detachment. With Our Lady as our exemplar in fidelity, we ponder the Word of the Lord day and night, seeking deeper union with God in service of the Church, interceding especially for priests. We open ourselves daily to enter fully into the Paschal Mystery and witness our love for the Lord, for one another, and for all people, that we may become, like our sister St. Therese of Lisieux, a flame of love in the heart of the Church.


Sr. Joann of the Cross O.C.D.
Vocation Director
5206 Center Drive
Latrobe, PA 15650



Professed Members: 9
Year Founded: 1961
Diocese: Greensburg, PA
Worldwide: Every continent
Qualifications: In order to seek entrance to Carmel a woman should be between the ages of 20 - 45; a Roman Catholic, practicing her faith, who has received all the Sacraments of Initiation; in good physical and mental health; in a discernment process with a spiritual director; single and have no children; not the sole support, caregiver or provider for minors or elderly parents or grandparents; a college graduate or have work experience; and be free of debt.
Formation: A period of discernment for our life is provided by a live-in experience arranged according to the ability of each applicant. Postulancy: This is the first stage of formation which lasts one year. The postulant lives with and participates in the prayer and work of the community while discerning her vocation and receiving formal classes. Novitiate: this is a two-year formation period as a novice, begins with the reception of the Carmelite Habit. The young woman is now a member of the community and continues her formation in daily classes. Temporary Vows: Once the novitiate is completed, the novice may be admitted to temporary vows for three years. As a vowed member of the community she gradually assumes a more responsible position in community affairs. She also completes her initial formation during these years, studying the writings and lives of the Carmelite Saints and preparing to make a complete offering of herself to Christ for the good of His Church by the profession of Solemn Vows.
Age range/limit: 20-45
Belated vocations? No.