Discalced Carmelites of the Holy Name of Jesus

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The Discalced Carmelite Nuns belong to a worldwide religious family. The Order of Carmel has its spiritual roots sunk deep in the Old Testament, following the example of the holy Prophet Elijah who withdrew from the world in order to pray the intercede for God’s people on Mount Carmel. The Order places itself under the protection of our Blessed Mother whose life we profess to imitate. In the sixteenth century, St. Teresa of Avila brought new luster to this holy Order with her "reform," renewing its spirit and setting up the principles of the way of life we continue to live in the world today. The word "Carmel" means a beautiful garden, a symbol of the serene solitude of the heart where God and man commune in intimate friendship. The nuns are enclosed within this "garden," and leave behind the goods of this world for the sake of the kingdom that is to come. Our day is permeated with the praise of God and prayer of intercession for those intentions that have been recommended to our prayers, especially for priests.


Mother Mary Elizabeth, O.C.D.
6100 Pepper Road
Denmark, WI 54208



Professed Members: 12
Year Founded: 1992
Diocese: Green Bay, WI

Province: Immaculate Heart of Mary Province of Discalced Carmelites
Worldwide: Every continent
Qualifications: Catholic women in good mental and physical health.
Formation: One year aspirancy. One year postulancy. Two years novitiate. Five years temporary vows.
Age range/limit: 19-35
Belated vocations? No